Stream A
Science, Innovation and Technology (SIT) is an interdisciplinary field that investigates the dynamic interplay between society and maths-related STEM disciplines. Our SIT stream provides exceptional learning experiences led by alumni from Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College, London. It encourages exploration through interdisciplinary perspectives, aiming to foster a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted interactions within the realm of science and technology. The SIT stream will equip you with the knowledge and skills to engage with intricate challenges in our ever-evolving world.

Maths is both a popular choice among international students aiming for top UK universities and it is also a prerequisite for studying many other subjects at university, including engineering and economics. Emphasis is placed on individual and group problem-solving. Regular topics include quantum mechanics, statistics and vector calculus as well as the use and abuse of statistics.
As those keen to pursue a career in engineering know well, it is not just one subject but many. A career in engineering offers the prospect of working with materials from nano level to major structural projects. Regular topics include thermodynamics, the power of machines, aerodynamics, data science and AI and sustainability.
Computer Science
Computer science is a subject that provides access to a wealth of rewarding careers. With the current exponential growth in AI, there has never been more need for highly qualified computer scientists. Topics taught at OSS include software development and data structure and algorithms.
The experience of studying physics at OSS takes you to a different level from that of studying physics at school. The OSS tutor team in physics includes not only graduates in physics but also specialists in a variety of branches of the discipline including astrophysics, cosmology and geophysics. Regular topics include the twins’ paradox (general relativity), seismology and black holes.
In our programmes, we strive to ensure that students gain knowledge not only in the field they are going to study at university but also expand their horizons through our interdisciplinary programme.
By choosing stream A, you will have the opportunity to select at least 3 core modules that are included in its content:
Apart from the core programme, while filling out the application form, you will be able to choose 1 or 2 additional modules from other streams, such as:
Gianluca holds a BSc in Mechanics engineering, obtained from Queen Mary University of London. He subsequently completed an MPhil at the University of Cambridge in Energy Technologies; this was an engineering course focused on renewable energy.Gianluca is currently working at a top consultancy firm in London, providing key insights on the hydrogen sector to a wide range of companies.
Gianluca Galeazzi

Matei is a graduate student at Imperial College, London with a keen interest in thermal management through the use of innovative computational tools like generative design. Having completed an MEng degree at Imperial College London in 2022, he distinguished himself as a Dean’s List student
Matei Ignatu-Ciuncanu
Gianluca holds a BSc in Mechanics engineering, obtained from Queen Mary University of London. He subsequently completed an MPhil at the University of Cambridge in Energy Technologies; this was an engineering course focused on renewable energy.Gianluca is currently working at a top consultancy firm in London, providing key insights on the hydrogen sector to a wide range of companies.
Dylan Watts

Aaditya is an Aeronautical Engineering major from Imperial College London. Aaditya’s key interest lies in utilising core engineering skills to help create a sustainable future in the aviation sector. Aaditya studied the CBSE curriculum at school in India and achieved the highest grade of 98.2% in his school in the Class 12 final year examinations, with a 100/100 in mathematics.
Aaditya Kashyap

Chibudom has a first-class degree in Computer Science from the University of Warwick and an MRes in Machine Learning from Imperial College London. Chibudom took the IB and studied Maths, Physics and Computer Science at Higher Level.
Chibudom Onuorah

Craig graduated from the University of Oxford with a first-class degree with distinction in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. His specialisation is in High Energy Particle Theory and he wrote a dissertation on Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) and predicting the production cross-section of the Higgs at the LHC. He is currently studying for a PhD in Cosmology and Particle Theory at SNS in Italy.
Craig Clark

Tesfahiwet is a PhD candidate in Geophysics (Seismology) at the University of Oxford. His research interests include seismology, deep learning, geothermal imaging, and critical mineral exploration. Tesfahiwet obtained his BSc in Earth Sciences from the Eritrea Institute of Technology (EIT) in 2016 and a Post Graduate Diploma in Natural Science Education.
Tesfahiwet Abraha

Andrea is a Lecturer in Thermofluids in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London. He graduated BSc and PhD from the University of Florence, Italy. Andrea also supervises students at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge and is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics. Andrea has worked with F1 team Ferrari and is involved in their internship programme.
Andrea Giusti

Jules received a double first at Merton College Oxford studying Physics and Philosophy to Master's Level, also being awarded the Gibbs Prize for Philosophy and the Postmaster Scholarship. He has also completed the BPhil in Philosophy at Magdalen College Oxford. More recently, he has worked in the Digital Ethics Lab at the Oxford Internet Institute, where he researches technology's ethical and social impacts.
Jules Desai

Aditya is a graduate in Engineering from the University of Cambridge. He specialised in Information Engineering with an emphasis on Machine Learning, achieving a first-class result for his MSc project, entitled ‘A novel reinforcement learning technique for financial fraud detection.’ Currently, Aditya is a data science engineer at a digital consultancy in London. His role involves driving the transformation of data science systems in multiple global organisations.
Aditya Jain

Danyaal is studying mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He received A* for A levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics and helped his sixth form qualify for the National Finals in the UKMT Team Maths Challenge for the first time in their history. Danyaal is an extremely enthusiastic tutor, with an evident passion for mathematics.
Danyaal Rahman

AI, technology and access to justice
The Oxbridge Summer Scholars programme is an intensive two-week experience. To give you a taste of the programme structure, we've outlined a typical schedule below. Please note that this is a sample and the actual schedule may vary.
Step into Oxbridge Life
Immerse yourself in the prestigious educational traditions of Oxford and Cambridge. Engage with the world-renowned teaching methods and academic excellence that have shaped some of the greatest minds and leaders across generations.
Build a Global Network
Connect with like-minded students from around the world, fostering lifelong friendships and expanding your global perspective. Our diverse community provides a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration.
Discover Your Passion
Explore a range of interdisciplinary subjects, gaining valuable insights to inform your university choices and future career path.
Oxford is a cultural and academic hub! You’ll have the chance to:
• Attend open-air Shakespeare performances
• Go punting on the River Cherwell
• Visit iconic sites like the Bodleian Library & Blenheim Palace
• Network with like-minded students from around the worldAll seminars, course materials, and learning resources
• Accommodation at Christ Church College (for residential students)
• Lunch and refreshments (for all students)
• A gala dinner on the final evening (for residential students)If you wish to change your stream, cYes, module changes are allowed until May 25, depending on availability. If a module is canceled due to low demand, you will have the option to:
1. Select another module
2. Request a refundampus, or programme dates, please email us at admissions@oxbridgesummerscholars.com.
Stream G

Application Bootcamp
16-19 y.o. application year students
Any OSS stream from A to F
As for OSS, the its academic aspect was particularly memorable. The seminars and tutorials were, undoubtedly, things that have sparked my curiosity and ways unforeseen.
I could not be more grateful to you guys for all your support and passion throughout these wonderful weeks at Oxford. My only complaint, if anything, would be that the program wasn´t longer. It was a wonderful experience from head to toes.
Mexico, Stream A
Fernando de Silva Hernández

College accommodation
Full board (3 meals)
All tutoring
Trips/extracurricular activities
Programme Cost Includes:
Transportation to and from the UK
Transfers within the UK
Pocket money
Does Not Include:
Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5850)
Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.
This call is perfect for:
Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.
Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.
AI - Science and ethics
Climate change and sustainability
British history and literature
Creative writing
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 1
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 2
Grand designs - architecture & sustainability
Art and culture
Psychology and mental health
Pandemics and public health
Justice and human rights
Peace and conflict
Oxbridge is renowned for its tutorial system. Small groups of students engage in in-depth discussions with tutors, exploring specific topics and research questions. This interactive approach is replicated in the OSS programme, with tutorial classes limited to six students for focused debate and analysis.

The most common form of interactive teaching in UK universities is the seminar, in which an expert tutor guides a group of students in discussion, based on reading and material delivered in lectures. At OSS, seminars are attended by all the students enrolled in a specific stream, typically around 10-12 students per stream. Seminar discussion is encouraged by pre-reading set by the tutors and by lecture introductions to each class.

Universities typically offer lectures, in which tutors convey both factual and interpretative material economically to a large audience. OSS keynote lectures are interdisciplinary and feature leading experts presenting cutting-edge research that Introduces students to new approaches and ideas that may challenge conventional thinking.

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are renowned for their distinctive teaching methods, designed to foster independent thinking and critical analysis. OSS offers students the unique opportunity to experience these world-class teaching approaches firsthand.