OSS programs are modeled after the renowned tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. On a daily basis, students attend tutorials, seminars, and interactive lectures.
Lectures are a common feature at universities. OSS keynote lectures are delivered by prominent researchers, academics and professionals, who either extend the frontiers of current scholarships, challenge established research paradigms through innovative approaches or explore professional challenges. Examples of talks vary from "Public Architecture "to "The Future of War" and "Climate Change".

Intensive small group sessions tailored to the students’ subject of interest.
Within the OSS, tutorials are held with no more than six students, guided by their tutors, who facilitate discussions on predetermined topics, readings, and questions. Examples of such tutorials include those focused on Tort law, the reception of classical works, and the future of artificial intelligence.

In both pre-university and university settings, the predominant teaching method involves a tutor delivering in-depth teachings on a particular subject to a group of students. At the OSS, seminars are attended by all students within a designated academic stream. Examples of such seminars include "Does ChatGTP think?", "Fluid Dynamics" and "Aerospace Engineering".

In our programmes, we strive to ensure that students gain knowledge not only in the field they are going to study at university but also expand their horizons through our interdisciplinary programme.
By choosing a stream, you will have the opportunity to select at least 3 core modules that are offered in that stream.
In addition, while filling out the application form, you will be able to choose 1 or 2 additional modules from other streams.
Step into Oxbridge Life
Immerse yourself in the prestigious educational traditions of Oxford and Cambridge. Engage with the world-renowned teaching methods and academic excellence that have shaped some of the greatest minds and leaders across generations.
Build a Global Network
Connect with like-minded students from around the world, fostering lifelong friendships and expanding your global perspective. Our diverse community provides a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration.
Discover Your Passion
Explore a range of interdisciplinary subjects, gaining valuable insights to inform your university choices and future career path.
Our tutors include highly qualified experts from the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College, London, many of whom are current or former faculty members.
95% have a degree from Oxbridge
90% have research master’s degrees (MPhil/BPhil) and undergraduate teaching experience
75% have PhD and undergraduate teaching experience
We also invite industry professionals - special guest speakers, e.g. doctors, lawyers, architects, and novelists, who have both Oxbridge backgrounds and professional experience in their chosen fields.
Tutors teach in line with their research interests, using an interactive teaching style designed to engage and inspire. You'll benefit from their in-depth knowledge of the latest approaches and discoveries in your field, offering a strong foundation for undergraduate study.

Experience the beauty of Cambridge from a unique perspective on our punting excursions on the River Cam. Glide through scenic waterways, admire the architecture, and enjoy the tranquillity of the natural surroundings.

Theatre club
Unleash your creativity and step into the world of Shakespeare. Our theatre club offers exciting opportunities to participate in performances, learn acting techniques, and explore the power of storytelling.

Formal dinners
Embrace the tradition of formal dining at Oxford and Cambridge. Enjoy a sumptuous meal in a historic hall, dressed in elegant attire, and experience the time-honoured customs of these prestigious universities.

A key feature of the Oxbridge Summer Scholars programme is the opportunity to complete an individual project – a research essay.

The criteria for the essay are outlined as follows:
approximately 3000 words
focus on topics studied during at least three sessions experienced during the OSS programme
assessed by specialist tutors
This assignment enables students to explore a topic of personal interest in depth, helping to develop essential skills such as research, critical thinking, and academic writing.
Guided by expert tutors, students receive valuable feedback to enhance their work. As a core element, the research project provides substantial academic value and serves as a strong foundation for future academic success.
Oxford is a cultural and academic hub! You’ll have the chance to:
• Attend open-air Shakespeare performances
• Go punting on the River Cherwell
• Visit iconic sites like the Bodleian Library & Blenheim Palace
• Network with like-minded students from around the worldAll seminars, course materials, and learning resources
• Accommodation at Christ Church College (for residential students)
• Lunch and refreshments (for all students)
• A gala dinner on the final evening (for residential students)If you wish to change your stream, cYes, module changes are allowed until May 25, depending on availability. If a module is canceled due to low demand, you will have the option to:
1. Select another module
2. Request a refundampus, or programme dates, please email us at admissions@oxbridgesummerscholars.com.
College accommodation
Full board (3 meals)
All tutoring
Trips/extracurricular activities
Programme Cost Includes:
Transportation to and from the UK
Transfers within the UK
Pocket money
Does Not Include:
Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5850)
Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.
This call is perfect for:
Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.
Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.