Stream B
Medicine and Biological Sciences Summer Programme in Oxford and Cambridge
The MBS stream is versatile and can cater to a wide range of interests within the biological, medical, and health sciences. It prepares students for careers in healthcare, research, academia, and various interdisciplinary roles that require a strong foundation in these fields.
This stream is designed to provide you with both an understanding of the biological and medical aspects of the human body, as well as the broader context of health careers. There are also options in psychology, neuroscience, dentistry and veterinary science.
Medicine (and allied subjects)
The ever-popular OSS Medicine module is taught by a team of highly qualified medics, several of whom are not only Oxbridge-trained but also work at a range of leading hospitals including Kings’ and Imperial College Hospital in London. Topics are varied but include both medical specialisms such as gastroenterology, orthopedics and cardiology, as well as discussions of important factors in medical careers such as ethics, teamwork and communication.
Knowledge of biology and human anatomy are important foundational building blocks for those who want to pursue a career in medicine. The OSS Biology module takes students away from the most familiar school-taught aspects of the subject to biological topics that are specifically medicine-related. Regular topics include pharmacology, epidemiology and public health.
The study of psychology at top UK universities is very different from the study of psychology at school, whether that be as taught at A level or in the IB. If you want to know more about what is covered in undergraduate study of psychology our OSS module offers the perfect introduction. The OSS Psychology module is wide-ranging and taught by a mix of academic and practicing psychologists as well as medics. Regular topics in psychology include forensic psychology, clinical psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.
A study of chemistry is required or preferred by most medicine schools. The OSS Chemistry module introduces our students to aspects of both organic an inorganic chemistry at a more complex level than taught in high school curricula. The OSS team includes tutors with a range of expertise in chemistry, biochemistry and chemical engineering. Regular topics include nucleophilic substitution, oligonucleotide chemistry and transition metal chemistry.
In our programmes, we strive to ensure that students gain knowledge not only in the field they are going to study at university but also expand their horizons through our interdisciplinary programme.
By choosing stream B, you will have the opportunity to select at least 3 core modules that are included in its content:
Apart from the core programme, while filling out the application form, you will be able to choose 1 or 2 additional modules from other streams, such as:
Stream E
Creative Writing and Humanities
Creative Writing
16-19 years old
Stream G
Application Bootcamp
Any OSS stream from A to F
16-19 y.o. application year students
Stream F
Visual arts and Architecture
Fine Art
History of Art
16-19 years old
AI, technology and access to justice
The Oxbridge Summer Scholars programme is an intensive two-week experience. To give you a taste of the program structure, we've outlined a typical schedule below. Please note that this is a sample and the actual schedule may vary.
Aida is a qualified doctor pursuing a career in neurosurgery. Aida studied classics at the prestigious Lyceum Classicum Vittorio Alfieri di Torino (Italy) in 2013 before obtaining a BSc in Medical Sciences from Queen Mary, London, followed by a degree in Medicine at Imperial College, London. Aida has researched at the Francis Crick Institute and at The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery.
Aida Gohlamadi
Yedidiah read Medicine at the University of Oxford, serving in outreach activities and programmes, and advising prospective students. As President of Queen's College Medical Society, he facilitated networking events for healthcare professionals and scientists; and as Welfare Officer at University societies, he provided workshops and collaborations for students across the colleges to enhance their University experience. Yedidiah is now a junior doctor.
Yedidiah Tilahun
Ena is currently pursuing her second master's degree, MSc in Security and Crime Science, at University College London (UCL). Before this, she obtained a BSc in Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Mental Health at Royal Holloway University, where she received recognition for her contributions to psychology research. Ena then took an MSc in Forensic Psychology, from Goldsmiths University.
Ena Bajic
Alison holds a BA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and an MSc in Population Health from University College, London. Alison currently divides her time between tutoring/mentoring and studying for a PhD in Epidemiology and Population Health at University College, London. Alison is particularly interested in the effects of the environment on health.
Alison Nicoll
Enoch has just completed a degree in dentistry at King's College London. He serves as the President of the KCL Smile Society, a charity led by students to help people in need in the local area, and has also served as a representative of his cohort to the staff and faculty of Guy's Hospital. Enoch is an experienced tutor, advising students applying for dentistry.
Enoch Tilahun
Hannah graduated from Pembroke College, Oxford with an MChem in Chemistry. She is currently based in London but grew up in Cardiff where she attended a Welsh-speaking secondary school. At Oxford, Hannah was a committee member of Oxford’s OxWEST society (Oxford Women in Engineering, Science and Technology), a society that promotes gender equality and supports women studying or working in STEM fields.
Hannah Roberts
Wesley graduated in Medicine from Christ Church College, Oxford in 2023 and since then has been working as a doctor in the NHS as well as mentoring future medicine students. Wesley is keen to pass on the benefit of his experience as a new junior doctor to students embarking on the same pathway.
Wesley Quadros
Step into Oxbridge life
Immerse yourself in the world-renowned Oxford or Cambridge educational system. Gain firsthand experience of the teaching methods and academic rigor that have shaped generations of leaders.
Build a Global Network
Connect with like-minded students from around the world, fostering lifelong friendships and expanding your global perspective. Our diverse community provides a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration.
Discover Your Passion
Explore a range of interdisciplinary subjects, gaining valuable insights to inform your university choices and future career path.
Our programmes are split into six streams: Stream A (Science, Innovation & Technology), Stream B (Medical and Biological Sciences), Stream C (Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship), Stream D (Law, PPE and Global Issues), Stream E (Creative Writing and Humanities), Stream F (Visual Arts and Architecture) and Stream G (Application Bootcamp). On our Academics page, there is information about what each stream entails; this is the best place to look.
If you have a clear idea of what undergraduate courses you want to study, check out our pages for Oxford and Cambridge, where there are lists of Oxbridge-specific undergraduate courses applicable to each stream. We recommend you consider the stream that directly relates to your chosen course. However, this does not stop you from choosing based on your interests.
Our programmes offer a fully immersive residential experience, with accommodation provided in Oxbridge College residences. You can find details about the cities hosting our 2024-2025 programmes on our website.
If you wish to change your stream, campus, or programme dates, please email us at
The Oxbridge Summer Scholar Programme is highly interdisciplinary , offering not only in-depth knowledge in your field of interest but also exposure to related fields, making sure we the students receive a well-rounded educational education.
The tutors are knowledgeable and supportive, providing valuable assistance with sessions, tutorials, and university queries. This course is academic rigours but it also has elements of fun and adventure like the weekend excursion to Cambridge, Christ church college and the Bodleian library. I made many new international friends and learned a great deal from them.
Living in Oxford prepared me for university life, giving me a glimpse of my future and helping me decide whether to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. Overall, the experience was very rewarding.
India, Stream B
Vamsi Patel
College accommodation
Full board (3 meals)
All tutoring
Trips/extracurricular activities
Programme Cost Includes:
Transportation to and from the UK
Transfers within the UK
Pocket money
Does Not Include:
Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5850)
Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.
This call is perfect for:
Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.
Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.
Oxford is particularly renowned for its unique degrees in PPE (Philosophy, Politics, & Economics), Economics & Management, as well as its unsurpassed Classics programmes. It has educated many UK prime ministers as well as international leaders and inspiring figures such as Malala Yusafszai.
Oxford’s science is equally impressive, with the UK Covid vaccine having been produced by a team of Oxford academics working in collaboration with AstraZeneca.
Cambridge’s interdisciplinary science degree in Natural Sciences is world-renowned, but Cambridge is also a popular choice for students of law, engineering, and computer science.
Cambridge boasts 118 Nobel laureates, including Sir Roger Penrose and Francis Crick. It also attracts dramatic talent due to its impressive Footlights drama club, which has trained famous British actors and directors, including Olivia Colman and SirTrevor Nunn.
Oxbridge is renowned for its tutorial system. Small groups of students engage in in-depth discussions with tutors, exploring specific topics and research questions. This interactive approach is replicated in the OSS programme, with tutorial classes limited to six students for focused debate and analysis.
The most common form of interactive teaching in UK universities is the seminar, in which an expert tutor guides a group of students in discussion, based on reading and material delivered in lectures. At OSS, seminars are attended by all the students enrolled in a specific stream, typically around 10-12 students per stream. Seminar discussion is encouraged by pre-reading set by the tutors and by lecture introductions to each class.
Universities typically offer lectures, in which tutors convey both factual and interpretative material economically to a large audience. OSS keynote lectures are interdisciplinary and feature leading experts presenting cutting-edge research that Introduces students to new approaches and ideas that may challenge conventional thinking.
The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are renowned for their distinctive teaching methods, designed to foster independent thinking and critical analysis. OSS offers students the unique opportunity to experience these world-class teaching approaches firsthand.