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By selecting Management as a core module in the Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship (BEE) stream, you'll gain a wide and clear perspective on the economics and business area, helping you pinpoint the specific topics and interests you want to pursue in university.

Combined with the programme's Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship modules, you'll develop a strong interdisciplinary foundation for your future academic success.


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Management in Cambridge summer school classroom

Management at a Summer School in Cambridge

While business is not taught at the undergraduate level at Oxbridge, the University of Oxford offers the highly popular course of Economics and Management. This is not only a course in business because it introduces students to the science of management necessary not only for running businesses but also for those who aim to work in the public sphere. More managers in the UK are employed in the National Health Service than in private business. The OSS Module in management prepares you for the Oxford management approach and covers topics such as the role of leadership as well as business management.

Module in the Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship (BEE) stream

What to Expect in A mANAGEMENT Module

  • Leadership development: learn about effective leadership roles and how to inspire teams.

  • Strategic management: gain insights into strategic planning and organisational management techniques.

  • Public and private sector insights: understand management's role in the NHS and private businesses.

  • Oxford approach: experience teaching methods aligned with the esteemed Cambridge management style.


Acquire the skills required to succeed as a future leader in various management roles.


While it is not possible to study business at undergraduate level at Oxford or Cambridge, many other top UK universities offer exciting courses in business and it is from these universities that OSS draws its tutoring talent.


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The study of economics at top UK universities is very different from how economics is presented as a school subject, whether it be taught via A levels or in the IB.


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Despite the lack of dedicated entrepreneurship degrees at top UK universities, we believe that entrepreneurial skills can be cultivated.


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Founded in the 13th century, the University of Cambridge is one of the world’s most prestigious institutions, comprising 31 historic colleges. 


Cambridge’s interdisciplinary science degree in Humanities is world-renowned, but Cambridge is also a popular choice for students of law, engineering, and computer science. 


At Oxbridge Summer Scholars, we provide aspiring students the unique opportunity to experience the academic environment that has shaped leaders in these fields.

Please note that while we draw inspiration from the esteemed traditions of Oxford and Cambridge, we operate independently and are not formally affiliated with Oxford University, Cambridge University, or any other university facilities.


Cambridge University


Oxbridge is renowned for its tutorial system. Small groups of students engage in in-depth discussions with tutors, exploring specific topics and research questions. This interactive approach is replicated in the OSS programme, with classes limited to six students for focused debate and analysis.


The most common form of interactive teaching in UK universities is the seminar, in which an expert tutor guides a group of students in discussion, based on reading and material delivered in lectures. At OSS, seminars are attended by all the students enrolled in a specific stream, typically around 10-12 students per stream. Seminar discussion is encouraged by pre-reading set by the tutors and by lecture introductions to each class.


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Universities typically offer lectures, in which tutors convey both factual and interpretative material economically to a large audience. OSS keynote lectures are interdisciplinary and feature leading experts presenting cutting-edge research that Introduces students to new approaches and ideas that may challenge conventional thinking.


The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are renowned for their distinctive teaching methods, designed to foster independent thinking and critical analysis. OSS offers students the unique opportunity to experience these world-class teaching approaches firsthand.


  • A stream is a broad academic area that combines related subjects. For example, Stream A "Science, Innovation and Technology" would encompass disciplines (modules) like Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering.

    A module is a specific subject of study within a stream. It provides focused learning on a particular topic.

  • Core modules are the fundamental subjects within a chosen stream. When selecting your programme, you'll pick three core modules from the available options that align with your academic interests.

    Additional modules offer flexibility. You can either choose a fourth module from your chosen stream or explore a module from a different stream to broaden your learning experience. You can choose two additional modules for your programme, although we cannot guaranteed that you will be able to study all the modules you have selected.

  • You can apply online through our website by completing the application form and submitting a personal statement outlining your interest in physics. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.



  • College accommodation

  • Full board (3 meals)

  • All tutoring

  • Trips/extracurricular activities

Programme Cost Includes:

  • Transportation to and from the UK

  • Transfers within the UK

  • Pocket money

Does Not Include:

Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5350) 

Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.

This call is perfect for:

  • Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.

  • Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.


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