Stream C
Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship Summer Programme in Oxford and Cambridge
The BEE stream presents students with the opportunity to experience undergraduate-level teaching in economics and business, which is quite different in nature from what students experience at the high school level. It provides students with the tools to build and lead successful futures at university and beyond. Through interactive debates, group work and individual projects, BEE focuses on the interrelationship between economics, business and society. This stream provides a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities of responsible enterprise and global issues. Students will finish the course prepared to pursue university courses in these disciplines.

Business is an area of growing interest for ambitious international students. While it is not possible to study business at undergraduate level at Oxford or Cambridge, many other top UK universities offer exciting courses in business and it is from these universities that OSS draws its tutoring talent. Recent topics include corporate ethics, gender and consumerism, and sustainability in business.
The study of economics at top UK universities is very different from how economics is presented as a school subject, whether it be taught via A levels or in the IB. Firstly, a high level of mathematics is required, and secondly an understanding of the relationship between economics and society is essential. The OSS module in economics serves as an introduction to both macro and micro economics, and also discusses issues such as the problems of developing economies and the benefits and limitations of economic modelling.
Are entrepreneurs born or made? It is not possible to study entrepreneurship at top UK universities, perhaps because there is a belief that an entrepreneurial outlook is something that comes from within rather than being something that can be taught. Nevertheless, there is a great deal that can be learned about the challenge of being an entrepreneur, and the OSS module in entrepreneurship, taught by a mix of academics and those with genuine entrepreneurial experience seeks to provide an understanding of both the wide range of entrepreneurial opportunities that exist, and the challenges for those seeking to develop their own start-up companies, whether in the tech area, online or on the high street.
While business is not taught at undergraduate level at Oxbridge, the University of Oxford offers the highly popular course of Economics and Management. This is not a course in business because it introduces students to the science of management necessary not only for running businesses but also essential for those who aim to work in the public sphere. More managers in the UK are employed in the National Health Service than in private business. The OSS module in management prepares you for the Oxford management approach and covers topics such as the role of leadership as well as business management.
In our programmes, we strive to ensure that students gain knowledge not only in the field they are going to study at university but also expand their horizons through our interdisciplinary programme.
By choosing stream C, you will have the opportunity to select at least 3 core modules that are included in its content:
Apart from the core programme, while filling out the application form, you will be able to choose 1 or 2 additional modules from other streams, such as:
AI, technology and access to justice
The Oxbridge Summer Scholars programme is an intensive two-week experience. To give you a taste of the program structure, we've outlined a typical schedule below. Please note that this is a sample and the actual schedule may vary.
Stream C
Business, Economics and Enthrepreneurship
16-19 years old
Oxford, Cambridge

Stream G
Application Bootcamp
Any OSS stream from A to F
16-19 y.o. application year students

Anderson has a BSc in International Relations and History and an MSc in Political Economy and Late Development, both from LSE. Anderson has been a leader and key member of the LSE Model United Nations crisis and negotiations team, and has been working for the past five years as a mentor and tutor.
Anderson Tan

Suraj is currently pursuing a PhD in International Development at SOAS, University of London, where he also tutors undergraduates. His research is situated in the Political Economy of Development in South-East Asia. Suraj graduated with a BSc in Economics from Cardiff University, ranking top of his cohort. He holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford and has also studied Economics at the University of Cambridge.
Suraj Nair

George is a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Leeds, primarily teaching the BSc Business Management course. George holds a BA in Economics from the University of Thessaly; a Diploma in Music Performance (piano) from the Hellenic Conservatory; and an MA in Culture, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship from the University of Leeds. His PhD, also from Leeds, explored discourses of sustainability within the music industry.
George Zifkos

Ayush is a student of Economics and Management at the University of Oxford. He is a member of the university finance and economics societies. .Ayush achieved A*s in Maths, Economics and Chemistry and an A in Further Maths at A-Level and was involved in mentoring younger pupils and running his school's economics society
Ayush Mehrotra

Moira has BA degrees in History and Russian Studies from the University of Leeds and in Experimental Psychology from Oxford, and a PhD in history from the University of Leeds. Moira was previously a Darby Fellow in Modern History at Lincoln College Oxford and Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Exeter. She has published widely in English and European history and psychology.
Moira Donald

Danyaal is studying mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He received A* for A levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics and helped his sixth form qualify for the National Finals in the UKMT Team Maths Challenge for the first time in their history. Danyaal is an extremely enthusiastic tutor, with an evident passion for mathematics.
Danyaal Rahman

Step into Oxbridge life
Immerse yourself in the prestigious educational traditions of Oxford and Cambridge. Engage with the world-renowned teaching methods and academic excellence that have shaped some of the greatest minds and leaders across generations.
Build a Global Network
Connect with like-minded students from around the world, fostering lifelong friendships and expanding your global perspective. Our diverse community provides a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration.
Discover Your Passion
Explore a range of interdisciplinary subjects, gaining valuable insights to inform your university choices and future career path.
Oxford is a cultural and academic hub! You’ll have the chance to:
• Attend open-air Shakespeare performances
• Go punting on the River Cherwell
• Visit iconic sites like the Bodleian Library & Blenheim Palace
• Network with like-minded students from around the worldAll seminars, course materials, and learning resources
• Accommodation at Christ Church College (for residential students)
• Lunch and refreshments (for all students)
• A gala dinner on the final evening (for residential students)If you wish to change your stream, cYes, module changes are allowed until May 25, depending on availability. If a module is canceled due to low demand, you will have the option to:
1. Select another module
2. Request a refundampus, or programme dates, please email us at admissions@oxbridgesummerscholars.com.
The Oxbridge Summer Scholars program was instrumental in shaping my personal development. Before participating in this experience, I had two major insecurities. The first was about expressing my opinions in public. Prior to the programme, I had no idea how many different cultures and perspectives I would encounter. However, having this opportunity helped me overcome my insecurities as I realized that, in a multicultural environment, my opinions could contribute to enriching discussions.
Furthermore, before joining the programme, I was uncertain about which specific area of social sciences interested me the most. However, after the programme, I am now confident that choosing my course of study at university is no longer a problem.
Brazil, Stream C
João Pedro Landucci Geromel

College accommodation
Full board (3 meals)
All tutoring
Trips/extracurricular activities
Programme Cost Includes:
Transportation to and from the UK
Transfers within the UK
Pocket money
Does Not Include:
Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5850)
Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.
This call is perfect for:
Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.
Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.
AI - Science and ethics
Climate change and sustainability
British history and literature
Creative writing
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 1
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 2
Grand designs - architecture & sustainability
Art and culture
Psychology and mental health
Pandemics and public health
Justice and human rights
Peace and conflict
Oxbridge is renowned for its tutorial system. Small groups of students engage in in-depth discussions with tutors, exploring specific topics and research questions. This interactive approach is replicated in the OSS programme, with tutorial classes limited to six students for focused debate and analysis.

The most common form of interactive teaching in UK universities is the seminar, in which an expert tutor guides a group of students in discussion, based on reading and material delivered in lectures. At OSS, seminars are attended by all the students enrolled in a specific stream, typically around 10-12 students per stream. Seminar discussion is encouraged by pre-reading set by the tutors and by lecture introductions to each class.

Universities typically offer lectures, in which tutors convey both factual and interpretative material economically to a large audience. OSS keynote lectures are interdisciplinary and feature leading experts presenting cutting-edge research that Introduces students to new approaches and ideas that may challenge conventional thinking.

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are renowned for their distinctive teaching methods, designed to foster independent thinking and critical analysis. OSS offers students the unique opportunity to experience these world-class teaching approaches firsthand.