Morning sessions will be on exactly the same lines as the other Senior OSS programmes but afternoons will be devoted to lectures and workshops on every aspect of the UK university application process from choosing the right major for you to introductions to entrance assessments and interview preparation.
You will be taught by the same expert tutors as those on the other senior OSS programmes.
Available Senior OSS programmes:

Stream G
A two-week residential programme in the UK in April is available for students in their year of application to university. This programme combines the best of the Senior OSS programme together with individually tailored university application advice. This programme is available only in April in order for you to kickstart your university application in good time for submission six months later.

If You Need a Visa
Students who require a visa should apply for a Standard Visitor Visa (6 months), which is the appropriate visa type for attending our programme. OSS provides a Visa Letter to assist with the application process. This document confirms the student’s acceptance, programme details, accommodation, and other relevant information.
For first-time applicants, we recommend seeking assistance from a reputable visa agency in your country.
If You Need an ETA
Starting January 8, 2025, students from many visa-exempt countries must apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before entering the UK. The ETA costs £10, is valid for two years, and can be obtained online or via the UK ETA app. Processing takes up to 3 working days, so be sure to apply in advance. Learn more: UK ETA Guide.
Session 2 Seminar
Session 4

Session 4
Gianluca holds a BSc in Mechanics engineering, obtained from Queen Mary University of London. He subsequently completed an MPhil at the University of Cambridge in Energy Technologies; this was an engineering course focused on renewable energy.Gianluca is currently working at a top consultancy firm in London, providing key insights on the hydrogen sector to a wide range of companies.
Gianluca Galeazzi

Matei is a graduate student at Imperial College, London with a keen interest in thermal management through the use of innovative computational tools like generative design. Having completed an MEng degree at Imperial College London in 2022, he distinguished himself as a Dean’s List student
Matei Ignatu-Ciuncanu
Gianluca holds a BSc in Mechanics engineering, obtained from Queen Mary University of London. He subsequently completed an MPhil at the University of Cambridge in Energy Technologies; this was an engineering course focused on renewable energy.Gianluca is currently working at a top consultancy firm in London, providing key insights on the hydrogen sector to a wide range of companies.
Dylan Watts
Aaditya is an Aeronautical Engineering major from Imperial College London. Aaditya’s key interest lies in utilising core engineering skills to help create a sustainable future in the aviation sector. Aaditya studied the CBSE curriculum at school in India and achieved the highest grade of 98.2% in his school in the Class 12 final year examinations, with a 100/100 in mathematics.
Aaditya Kashyap
Chibudom has a first-class degree in Computer Science from the University of Warwick and an MRes in Machine Learning from Imperial College London. Chibudom took the IB and studied Maths, Physics and Computer Science at Higher Level.
Chibudom Onuorah
Craig graduated from the University of Oxford with a first-class degree with distinction in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. His specialisation is in High Energy Particle Theory and he wrote a dissertation on Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) and predicting the production cross-section of the Higgs at the LHC. He is currently studying for a PhD in Cosmology and Particle Theory at SNS in Italy.
Craig Clark
Tesfahiwet is a PhD candidate in Geophysics (Seismology) at the University of Oxford. His research interests include seismology, deep learning, geothermal imaging, and critical mineral exploration. Tesfahiwet obtained his BSc in Earth Sciences from the Eritrea Institute of Technology (EIT) in 2016 and a Post Graduate Diploma in Natural Science Education.
Tesfahiwet Abraha
Andrea is a Lecturer in Thermofluids in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London. He graduated BSc and PhD from the University of Florence, Italy. Andrea also supervises students at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge and is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics. Andrea has worked with F1 team Ferrari and is involved in their internship programme.
Andrea Giusti

Jules received a double first at Merton College Oxford studying Physics and Philosophy to Master's Level, also being awarded the Gibbs Prize for Philosophy and the Postmaster Scholarship. He has also completed the BPhil in Philosophy at Magdalen College Oxford. More recently, he has worked in the Digital Ethics Lab at the Oxford Internet Institute, where he researches technology's ethical and social impacts.
Jules Desai

Aditya is a graduate in Engineering from the University of Cambridge. He specialised in Information Engineering with an emphasis on Machine Learning, achieving a first-class result for his MSc project, entitled ‘A novel reinforcement learning technique for financial fraud detection.’ Currently, Aditya is a data science engineer at a digital consultancy in London. His role involves driving the transformation of data science systems in multiple global organisations.
Aditya Jain

Danyaal is studying mathematics at the University of Cambridge. He received A* for A levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics and helped his sixth form qualify for the National Finals in the UKMT Team Maths Challenge for the first time in their history. Danyaal is an extremely enthusiastic tutor, with an evident passion for mathematics.
Danyaal Rahman

College accommodation
Full board (3 meals)
All tutoring
Trips/extracurricular activities
Programme Cost Includes:
Transportation to and from the UK
Transfers within the UK
Pocket money
Does Not Include:
Tuition Fee consists of non-refundable deposit (£500) and Programme cost (£5850)
Not quite ready to commit? No problem! Schedule a free consultation call with our admissions team to discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and see if this programme is the right fit for you.
This call is perfect for:
Students who are curious about Oxbridge Summer Scholars and want to learn more.
Parents who want to explore educational options for their high-performing child.
A major benefit of attending the April OSS is that you will be exposed to undergraduate-level classes in a range of related subjects which will provide a timely aid in your decision as to which major really suits you.
No, this would be unethical and against UCAS rules. However, we will provide guidance on the structure of the new-style personal statement and help you develop a supercurricular reading programme on the basis of which we require you to write a short research-based essay which will introduce you to the personal statement requirement.
No, it is designed to assist any application year student applying to any UK universities for any course, It is particularly helpful for Oxbridge applicants as you will benefit from a stay in an Oxbridge college and the possibility of visiting other colleges of interest to you, However, it will be equally valuable to those applying for courses at other universities that require either entrance assessments or interview such as medicine courses and law courses that require the LNAT. Even if you are not applying for a course that requires entrance assessments or interview, the preparation will be invaluable in helping you decide which courses to apply for at which universities, and the supercurricular essay requirement will prove a useful exercise that will facilitate your university application.
The benefit of engagement with subject experts across a range of disciplines
The opportunity to compare courses, universities and colleges under expert guidance
The opportunity to develop a supercurricular reading programme and write a short research-based essay of 1000-1500 words.
The opportunity to make in person visits to colleges on your shortlist if an Oxbridge applicant.
Stream G
Applications Bootcamp
Any OSS stream from A to F
16-19 y.o. application year students

Oxbridge is renowned for its tutorial system. Small groups of students engage in in-depth discussions with tutors, exploring specific topics and research questions. This interactive approach is replicated in the OSS programme, with tutorial classes limited to six students for focused debate and analysis.

The most common form of interactive teaching in UK universities is the seminar, in which an expert tutor guides a group of students in discussion, based on reading and material delivered in lectures. At OSS, seminars are attended by all the students enrolled in a specific stream, typically around 10-12 students per stream. Seminar discussion is encouraged by pre-reading set by the tutors and by lecture introductions to each class.

Universities typically offer lectures, in which tutors convey both factual and interpretative material economically to a large audience. OSS keynote lectures are interdisciplinary and feature leading experts presenting cutting-edge research that Introduces students to new approaches and ideas that may challenge conventional thinking.

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are renowned for their distinctive teaching methods, designed to foster independent thinking and critical analysis. OSS offers students the unique opportunity to experience these world-class teaching approaches firsthand.